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Showing posts from August, 2020

RBI Increases share in Contingency Fund

 RBI Increases share in Contingency Fund Greetings, Recently Reserve Bank of India, transferred Rs. 73,615 crore in CF(contingency fund). Contingency Fund now stands at enormous Rs. 2,64,034 crore.  RBI has three risk- taking accounts to keep it, in simpler terms.  IRA-FS, IRA-RS, CGRA, all three instruments combined have a total net worth of Rs. 13.88 lakh crores.  Contingency means emergency and fund is created for unforeseen circumstances.   Only last year, RBI withdrew Rs. 50,000+ crores to pay extra surplus to governments.  This year RBI could only pay, Rs. 57,128 as surplus to government. Extra surplus is transferred to the  government, according to the Section 47 of the RBI.   Thanks for Reading

Super Apps in India

 Super Apps in India Greetings, Tata Group recently declared its decision to launch a super app. It can be released by end of 2020, or in the beginning of 2021. It would be developed by TATA Digital.  In Super App's companies offer various products and services that they have on one platform. Like China's WeChat.  Concept of Super Apps first emerged in China and southeast Asia, where GoJek, Grab leveraged their platforms to increase the average revenue per user.  However in West Asia, a different approach was taken, businesses like Majid Al Futtaim, Emaar and Chalhoub Group have, high footfall and purchase frequency. And from the perspective of Venture Capitalists these are the two most important things.  Reliance Jio has already well developed super app platform where they provide services, content streaming and train, flight bookings, cloud services, groceries. Chinese giant Alibaba backed, Paytm also tied up with various companies, to offer services.While Flipkart also provi


INDIA'S POSITION IN MANUCFACTURING GOODS WORLDWIDE Many think that in the aftermath of the pandemic, several manufacturing companies operating from China will relocate their businesses to other destinations, including India.      Many American, Japanese, and South Korean companies based in China have initiated discussions with the Indian government to relocate their plants to India. Companies are expected to exit China due to three primary reasons. The fi rst is the realisation that  relying heavily on China for building capaci ties and sourcing manufacturing goods is not  an ideal business strategy due to supply  chain disruptions in the country caused by  COVID­19.  The second is the fear of Chinese  dominance over the supply of essential in dustrial goods.  The third is the growing risk  and uncertainty involved in operating from  or dealing with China in the light of geopolit ical and trade confl icts between China and  other countries, particularly the U.S. Prime  Minister Nar

Voting in the times of COVID

 Voting in the times of COVID Greetings, Recently, Election Commission, released guidelines to conduct voting in Bihar, despite the pandemic. Keeping in mind the fact that Bihar has reported second highest COVID cases, just after AndhraPradesh. Will it be safe to vote? And what are the guidelines issued by EC? Let's know    Most importantly, COVID patients will be allowed to vote, but in 'last hour of poll day'.  Some guidelines by EC:-  Campaign squad size will be limited to three people. In roadshows, only five cars can be used instead of ten. And two people can accompany a person when he/she will go to file nomination papers. Capping limit of booth from 1,500 to 1,000.  Wearing masks would be mandatory, and temperature of each individual would be monitored.  If his/her temperature is above the certain limit, that individual will be asked to come and vote in the last hour.  Patients in home quarantine, and even the people in containment zone, where high cases of COVID are

SSC Tier-1 Exams to be replaced by NRA CET: Check Common Eligibility Test by National Recruitment Agency for SSC CGL/CHSL/MTS/Sub Inspector/Constable/ Stenographer/Other SSC Exams

 SSC Tier-1 Exams to be replaced by NRA CET: Check Common Eligibility Test by National Recruitment Agency for SSC CGL/CHSL/MTS/Sub Inspector/Constable/ Stenographer/Other SSC Exams SSC Tier-1 Exams to be replaced by National Recruitment Agency (NRA) Common Eligibility Test (CET):  SSC Tier-1 Exam will be replaced by CET which will be conducted by NRA separately for Graduate, 12 th  & 10 th  Pass Non-Technical Group C & B Posts. Let’s look in detail how NRA CET will impact Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Recruitment Process. National Recruitment Agency, NRA has received the cabinet nod and would soon be formed. Under the NRA, a common eligibility test or CET would be conducted for recruitment to various Group C and D (non-gazetted) government jobs. Wondering how will the common eligibility test for government jobs work? Read on. How will NRA CET work for Government Jobs? Candidates interested in applying for various government jobs – like SSC, RRB and IBPS Banking Jobs, would h

Race for the COVID Vaccine

  Race for the COVID Vaccine Greetings, There is no certain way, by which scientists could say that a certain vaccine will work on humans or not.  Russia's vaccine development has been accelerated(short-circuited), infact a senior russian official resigned from the Ministry of Health in Russia, citing 'gross violations'[of rules] by Russian Government. And only 24.5% doctors in Russia said that they would recommend the vaccination to their family and friends.  Phase 3 trials of russian vaccine must be held on a much larger level. If Oxford vaccine and Serum Institute can develop vaccine, we can have vaccines soon, Gagandeep Kaur, leading expert says that there is hope in their work. If we talk about price, it can cost hundreds of dollars, Serum has told that it will try to keep price at Rs.900-1000. Once mass production starts cheap availability of the vaccine should be the next goal. Companies with deep pockets have started to manufacture the vaccine, even before its prove

In United States , One lakh children got COVID, due to reopening of schools.

 In United States , One lakh children got COVID,  due to reopening of schools. Greetings, It war earlier assumed that children are less prone to COVID-19 symptoms. In last two weeks of July, one lakh children got COVID, and 25 died.    Trump stated that the cases among children are ‘tiny fraction’ of deaths. The U.S. should not have opened the schools, putting the lives of so many people in danger. Despite warnings from various health experts and activists. Parents themselves are not sending their wards in the schools. The pandemic is worsening day by day and the government is sticking to its plan. Despite U.S. being the worst affected country in the world.  U.S. schools open  without any proper safety measures, without considering the lives of the children important.      children are immune but not the teachers and the other staff members of school.  Despite U.S. being the worst affected country in the world, the government of U.S. must consider closing down of schools. Thank you for

National Recruitment Agency and Common Eligibility Test

 National Recruitment Agency and Common Eligibility Test Greetings for All As government voted for a bill to constitute NRA, let us see, how it will help, Indians get a government job without filling up multiple forms and giving multiple different tests. On an average 2.5 crore Indians fill form for 1.25 lakh vacancies(for the central government alone).    National Recruitment Agency will conduct CET(Common Eligibility Test), to shortlist cand. It will screen Group B and Group C(Non-Technical) posts, which are by this time filled by Staff Selection Commission and Railways Recruitment Board, Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Later on, other exams may be brought under the radar of NRA. The NRA will have officers from SSC,Railways, IBPS. It will be conducted on three levels 10th, 12th, Graduation.  Each district is going to have its own Examination center.  The CET score will be valid for three years.  Currently, CET will be conducted in 12 languages, with focus on conducting it in

Saudi-Pakistan Relation in 2020

 Saudi-Pakistan Relation in 2020 Greetings to all, Pakistan's Army Chief, is declined to meet with the MBS aka Mohammed Bin Salman, Prince of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is insisting Pakistan for early repayment of its $3 Billion in Loan. Though Pakistan paid $1 billion with China's help, rest $2 Billion is still unpaid. Saudi has already pledged $6 Billion(in 20180 and(in 2019) pledged $20Billion for Pakistan out of which $10 Billion is for Gwadar port.  Saudi declined Pakistan's request for calling special meeting of Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.(OIC)  OIC has members such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, U.A.E, Bangladesh, Turkey, Afghanistan...   Though Saudi Arabia and U.A.E support Pakistan on Kashmir Issue, it is hesitant to say anything directly or explicitly to India. India's fourth largest trading partner is Saudi Arabia, with bilateral trade amounting to $28 Billion, which is a significant no. in itself. And recent

MP's Decision and the What does Constituition say about preffering locals for Government Jobs

 MP's Decision and the What does Constitution say about preferring locals for Government Jobs Greetings to everyone, Recently MP's chief minister, announced he will prefer candidates of MP over any other state for Government Job. There have been reservations in education, but in the field of employment Central government doesn't allows them to be implemented. In Indian Constitution Article 16(2) states that "[In India] No Citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of origin, residence........state" However in special cases, only Central government may give some states the power to recruit locals. When union of India, came into existence in 1947, combining 562+(approx) smaller kingdoms. The Idea of state citizenship would have been counterproductive. Though, constitution has concept of affirmative action to help the disadvantaged class. In 1984, a famous case 'Pradeep Jain Vs. Union Of India' supreme court ruled out that &#

Does the reduction in MLA's salary will really help?

Does the reduction in M.L.A.'s salary will really help? Greetings to all my friends, As states such as Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh cut salaries of their MLAs. We will dive deeper to take a look, what are its impacts, and how it can help or not. Kerala's MLAs receive the lowest basic salary of Rs2,000. While Gujarat has the highest salary of Rs78,800.  Uttar Pradesh has cut down salaries to Rs.17,500. MLAs get alowance for:- Office Constituency Expenses Free Housing in Capital Travelling Daily Allowance for attending assembly MLAs themselves determine their salaries by passing a legislative. Former Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, tied MPs salaries to the Inflation Index, and mandated that salary will be revised every five years. Guj. and Maharashtra have tied MLAs salaries with that of Civil Servants. Cutting salaries will have negligible benefits for the people. Bihar   is reducing 15%  Saving 2.1 cr which is  0.001% H.P   is reducing 30%  Saving 4.3 cr which is  0.

India's Quest for Bio-Ethanol

 India's Quest for Bio-Ethanol The Government of India has set up an ambitious plan of blending 10 percent ethanol in petrol by 2022, and 20 percent by 2030. by doing this India can cut its dependency on import of crude oil. Now, we have to know that Bio-Ethanol processing plants are categorised as 1G and 2G. 1G BioEthanol plants use sugarcane and its byproducts such as molasses. 2G plants use biomass and other agricultural waste.  Current production of Bio-Ethanol in India is quite low. Sugar Mill owners do not invest in Bio-Ethanol generation plants, due to uncertainity in government policies and weak future prospects. State run IOC, BPCL, HPCL, are currently in the process of setting up 2G Government should make policies for the farmers, Sugar Mill Owners and the oil producing companies so that they are incentivised to make Bio-Ethanols.Bio-Ethanol plants. India can have cleaner air, cost cutting in Oil Imports as well as inching closer towards the doubling of Farmers Income.

Corona Virus and Recovery Period

 Corona Virus and Recovery Period Research has shown that the traces of Virus can be found in patients, who have been tested clinically negative three months before. No case of recovered patient being reinfected has come out. Negative People do not reinfect others.  People getting positive reports, can only be possible with the traces of dead viruses present in blood and bodily fluids. Left over traces of virus is called Persistent Shedding in Medical Terminology. Recovered patients can continue to shed detectable SARS-CoV2 RNA in upper respiratory specimens for upto three months after illness onset, report from CDC(Centre for Disease Control) said. Researchers also found that amount of live virus in the nose and throat drops significantly soon after the COVID-19 symptoms develop. Duration recovery of COVID is 10 Days in mild cases and 20 Days in severe cases.  The above mentioned facts are based on 15 International and U.S. based published studies.  Please get yourself tested if you d

U.A.E.-Israel And the Middle Eastern Conflict

 U.A.E.-Israel And the Middle Eastern Conflict United Arab Emirates and Israel signed a treaty, where U.A.E. recognized Israel as a country, and Israel backed from its plan of annexing West Bank and the disputed territory.    The two country will set up formal diplomatic relationships, and sign bilateral treaties regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, healthcare, culture, environment.  U.A.E. is the third Arab country and first gulf country to recognize Israel. In 1978, Egypt being the first, and 1994 Jordan being second. Wars Israel fought  1948(just after its formation) Egypt, Syria, Iraq attacked Israel.  1956 Suez Conflict  1967 Six Day War Israel captured Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, West Bank , Golan Heights. 1973 Yom Kippur War  After the 1967 War, Muslim countries met and declared their famous 3 No's. No Peace, No talks, No Recognition. US Elections and the Middle East Interestingly, if a Democrat leader wins US Election

India's Aging Population

 India's Aging Population In Future,It is quite evident that India is going to have more aged population than present, The Indian Government must be ready for this extra pressure. In 2050, there will be more people older than 60, than their would be younger than 15. Age dependency ratio of India is also on the rise, it is currently 14 from 10 few years back, while Japan has 42. Some European countries have this number between 25-30. Indians do not enjoy UBI(Universal Basic Income) India, do not have a social security system,or a universal basic income scheme.  The fall in interest rates by Central bank, has also made Employees Provident Fund Organisation to worry about its returns. Even Public Provident Fund(PPF), has also decreased returns over investment. International Scenario Countries like US, Japan China, Australia, are considering to increase the retirement age.  For most public and private sector jobs, retirement age is 60 years old.  Central Universities and PSUs must cons

What If You Don’t Pass The U.P.S.C. Civil Service Exams?

What If You Don’t Pass The UPSC Civil Service Exams, It Isn’t The End of Your Life and your Dreams  There are lakhs of candidates who pursue the dream of cracking U.P.S.C. and according to the reports till now barely 0.2% could clear it. As it’s a daunting task. But one cannot fail in life if they could not clear the U.P.S.C. The examination, which is conducted in three stages (Preliminary, Main and Interview) and across the span of nine months, is brutally difficult. Getting into the civil services not only offers long-term job security and an opportunity to administer this country, but it’s also a point of great prestige for many families. While getting into the Union civil services, particularly the Indian Administrative Service (I.A.S.), Indian Foreign Service (I.F.S.) or Indian Police (I.P.S.), is a fantastic career option, the general public’s obsession with it is unhealthy. Like our board exams, there is a lot of undue stress and pressure that comes with the aspiration of cleari


NEW UPSC CHAIRMAN PRADEEP KUMAR TO HAVE TENURE TILL APRIL 4, 2020 The officials said Joshi will have tenure till April 4, 2022 as the chairman of the UPSC “One of the most intriguing and toughest exams considered around the country is the UPSC exam”. The exam which has been scheduled to be conducted on 4th October this year had a major change in its committee. Educationist Professor Pradeep Kumar Joshi, on 7th of August was appointed as the chairman of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), that conducts the civil services examination to select India’s bureaucrats and diplomats. Padeep Kumar file photo He will succeed Arvind Saxena who completes his term as UPSC chairman on Friday. Joshi, who was the chairman of both Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commissions, joined the UPSC as a member in May 2015. His tenure as the chairman of the UPSC will be till May 12, 2021. With his appointment as the chairman, there is a vacancy of a member in the  UPSC . At present, Bhim

Government sets up task force for COVID-19 vaccine distribution

Government sets up task force for COVID-19 vaccine distribution The task force will also chalk out a budget and discuss how capital can be raised for procurement, distribution of the vaccine Till Friday night, the coronavirus disease had infected 19,385,292 people around the world and killed 720,053. In the absence of vaccine masks, social distancing, and restriction of regular activities had played an important role in spreading the virus. The government of India has formed a task force for the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine. This panel will be lead by Niti Aayog’s Dr VK Paul and co- chaired by health secretary Rajesh Bhushan, HT quoted unnamed sources. The task force comprises representatives from all relevant ministries and institutions which will further help in smooth distribution of the vaccine in India. Several vaccines across the world are in the race of clinical trials. And the task force will pick the vaccine which India will buy for its huge population. The committee membe


Air India plane crash LIVE: CISF team quarantined as 2 flyers test corona+ Air India Express flight from Dubai overshot the runway at Kozhikode airport and went down 35 feet into a slope before breaking up into two pieces. Photo: Twitter The pilot-in-command Deepak Sathe also died during the Air India plane accident. Stay tuned for latest news live updates Air India  Express flight from Dubai with 191 people on board overshot the runway at Kozhikode airport in rainy conditions on Friday and went down 35 feet into a slope before breaking up into two pieces. The Kerala police has reported 11 deaths in the accident. The pilot-in-command, Deepak Sathe, a former Wing Commander of the Indian Air Force (IAF), also died during the accident. Sathe had served at the IAF's flight testing establishment. Black box of crashed AIE flight recovered, toll rises to 18; Probe underway The black box of the ill-fated Air India Express flight that could throw light on how it overshot the runway here and


NEW EDUCATION POLICY 2020 | THE GOOD AND CONTROVERSIAL | EXPLAINED BY THE FACT BEE ABOUT NEW EDUCATION POLICY  The National Education Policy was framed in 1986 and modified in 1992. More than three decades have passed since previous Policy. During this period significant changes have taken place in our country, society economy, and the world at large. It is in this context that the education sector needs to gear itself towards the demands of the 21st Century and the needs of the people and the country. Quality, innovation and research will be the pillars on which India will become a knowledge super power. Clearly, a new Education Policy is needed. The Government had initiated the process of formulating a New Education Policy through the consultation process for an inclusive, participatory and holistic approach, which takes into consideration expert opinions, field experiences, empirical research, stakeholder feedback, as well as lessons learned from best practices. The Committee for pr